Created in 2003, The Music on Market Fine Arts Series is an outreach of the Ministry of Music of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Conceived as both a gift and a celebration of fine musical performance, we strive for excellence as well as eclectic diversity in offering programs that are entertaining, uplifting, and educational. While bring in exceptional talent, we also offer the musical talents of our own congregation in concerts, always free, open to the community, and appealing to all ages.
The Board of Directors of Music on Market Fine Arts Series, Inc., a certified non-profit corporation wishes to thank St. Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church for being a partner in producing this concert series. SACPC has graciously allowed the use of its facilities and has provided substantial support to promote this ongoing musical outreach to the community.
Music on Market has also been the recipient of a generous grant from the Landfall Foundation, which has enabled us to provide outstanding performances for our concert seasons. We are grateful for their recognition of our effort to provide outstanding free musical entertainment to our community.